"Chinese Pharmacopoeia": Sha Yuanzi
Pinyin: Shā Yuàn Zǐ
Aliases: Tribulus terrestris, Astragalus, Xiahuangcao, Tribulus terrestris
Source: This product is the dried and mature seeds of the legume Astragalus complanatus R.Brown. In the late autumn and early winter, harvest the plants when the fruit has not yet cracked, dry in the sun, lay the seeds, remove impurities, and dry in the sun.
Properties This product is slightly kidney-shaped and slightly flat, 2-2.5mm long, 1.5-2mm wide, and 1mm thick. The surface is smooth, brownish-green or gray-brown, with a round hilum in a slightly concave edge on one side. Hard and not easily broken. Cotyledons 2, pale yellow, radicle curved, about 1mm long. It is odorless, light in taste, and has a beany smell when chewed.
Store in a ventilated and dry place.
Processed Shayuanzi: remove impurities, wash and dry. Yansha Yuanzi: Take the net Sha Yuanzi, mix well with salt water, fry it in a pot, and let it cool (add 2 pounds of salt per 100 pounds and dissolve it with boiling water).
Identification Take 1g of this product, smash it, add 10ml of ether, put it back on a warm water bath for 10 minutes, filter it, and discard the ether solution. The ether was evaporated from the residue, 5 ml of methanol was added, the mixture was heated to reflux for 10 minutes, and filtered. Take 1 drop of the filtrate, put it on the chromatographic filter paper, and observe it under an ultraviolet light (365 nm), which shows purple-red fluorescence. Add 2 drops of methanol to spread the spot, and there is a bright yellow ring in the purple-red ring.
Return to the liver and kidney meridians.
Nature and flavor: sweet, warm.
Function: Indications: Warming and nourishing liver and kidney, solidifying essence, reducing urine, improving eyesight. For low back pain due to kidney deficiency, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, white turbid vaginal discharge, residual urination, dizziness and dizziness.
Usage and dosage 9~15g.
Excerpt from "Chinese Pharmacopoeia"
Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sha Yuanzi
Pinyin: Shā Yuàn Zǐ
Alias Shayuan Tribulus, Tongzhou White Tribulus, Shayuan Tribulus ("Bencao Jing"), Shayuan Tribulus ("Ben Cao Qiuyuan"), Tong Tribulus ("Ben Cao Bian Du"), Sand Tribulus ("Additional Falsehood") Medicinal Article Identification"), Xia Huangcao ("Jilin Chinese Herbal Medicine").
Source "Clinical Guide Medical Records"
The source is the seeds of the legume Astragalus or Astragalus membranaceus. In the late autumn and early winter, when the fruit is mature but not yet cracked, the stems are cut off, the seeds are laid after drying, the impurities are removed, and then dried.
The original form
① Astragalus with flat stems, also known as: Astragalus vines.
Tall perennial herb, up to 1 m high, all covered with short hirsute. The main root is thick and long, the stem is slightly flat and lying. Singular pinnate compound leaves, alternate, with short petioles; stipules small, lanceolate; petiole short, leaf blade elliptic, 6-14 mm long, 3-7 mm wide, apex obtuse or embarrassing, with fine tip, base Obtuse to obtuse-rounded, entire, green above, glabrous, grey-green below. Raceme axillary; peduncle slender; florets 3 to 9, pedicel base with a linear-lanceolate bracteoles; calyx bell-shaped, green, apex 5-lobed, outer side covered with black short hirsute, calyx tube There are 2 oval bracteoles at the base, the outer side is densely covered with short bristles; the corolla is butterfly-shaped, yellow, the flag petals are nearly round, the apex is slightly concave, the base has claws, about 10 mm long, about 8 mm wide, wing petals Slightly shorter, keel petals equal to flag petals; stamens 10, 9 connate, 1 separated; pistil beyond the stamens, ovary superior. Densely white pubescent, with ovary stalk, style glabrous, stigma with brush White beard. The pods are spindle-shaped, 3-4 cm long, with a long pointed beak at the apex, slightly flattened on the ventral back, covered with short black bristles, and containing 20-30 seeds. Seeds round kidney-shaped. Flowering period from August to September. The fruiting period is September to October.
Born in the mountains. Distributed in Liaoning, Jilin, Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and other places.
②Hua Astragalus
Perennial herb, 20-100 cm tall. Stems erect, ribbed, nearly glabrous. Singular pinnate compound leaves, 8-12 cm long; leaflets 21-31, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 1.5-2 cm long, 5-9 mm wide, obtuse apex, mucronate, base rounded or tapering , glabrous above, sparsely pubescent below. Racemes axillary; flowers numerous; calyx campanulate, membranous, calyx teeth triangular-lanceolate, subglabrous; corolla yellow, about 1.5 cm long, wing petals 2/3 of keel petals; ovary with long stalk . The pods are oval, 1 to 1.5 cm long, 8 to 10 mm wide, leathery, swollen, densely striate, and cracked when mature. Seeds 10-12, kidney-shaped, hilum deeply depressed, yellowish brown.
Raw hillside, roadside, sandy land, riverside. Distributed in Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Inner Mongolia and Northeast China.
The same genus Astragalus erectus, perennial herb, 20 to 30 cm high. Leaves alternate, singular pinnately compound leaves, leaflets 7 to 23, elliptical or oblong. Racemes, flowers dense, many; wing petals shorter than flag petals, corolla blue-purple or purple-red. The flowering period is July to August. Distributed in Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia and Xinjiang. Its seeds are also used as medicine.
①The dried seeds of Astragalus platystem are kidney-shaped and slightly flattened, about 2 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, and less than 1 mm thick. Surface gray-brown or green-brown, smooth. One side is slightly recessed inward. There is a distinct hilum in the recess. Hard and not easily broken. Cotyledons 2 pale yellow, slightly oval, radicle curved. Odorless, light taste, chewing with beany smell. It is better to be full and even.
Mainly produced in Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places.
②The dried seeds of Astragalus sinensis are relatively regular kidney-shaped, with plump particles, 2-2.8 mm long and 1.8-2 mm wide. Surface dark green or brownish green, smooth. There is a kind of umbilicus in the slight depression in the center of the ventral surface. Hard and not easily broken. Gas micro, tasteless.
Mainly produced in Hebei.
Processing: Shayuanzi: pick out impurities, rinse the sediment, fish out, and dry in the sun. Yansha Yuanzi: Take the cleaned Sha Yuanzi, spray it with salt water and mix it evenly, put it in a pot, simmer gently until it becomes dry, take it out and let it cool. (100 jins of each Shayuanzi, use 2 jins of salt, add an appropriate amount of boiling water to dissolve and clarify)
Meridian: Enters the liver and kidney meridians.
① "Materia Medica Tongxuan": "Go through the two channels of kidney and liver."
② "Material Herbal Renewal": "Into the heart and kidney two meridians."
Nature and flavor: sweet, warm.
① "Outline": "Sweet, warm, non-toxic."
② "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Sweet and bitter."
Note: Phase fire is flaming, Yang strong and easy to lift should not take.
"Benjing Fengyuan": "The kidney and bladder are too hot to be banned."
Functions and indications: Nourishes the liver, nourishes the kidney, improves eyesight, and consolidates essence. Treatment of liver and kidney deficiency, waist and knee pain, dizziness, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, frequent urination, enuresis, hematuria, leucorrhea.
① "Materia Medica Yanyi": "invigorating the kidney."
② "Outline": "Invigorating the kidney, treating low back pain and ejaculation, depletion and fatigue."
③ "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Invigorating the kidney, strengthening yin, benefiting essence, improving eyesight. Treating vaginal discharge, hemorrhoid leakage, and yin Huang. The performance strengthens the essence."
④ "Medical Forest Compilation": "Reinforces kidney water, purifies pathogenic dampness, eliminates symptoms and eliminates hemorrhoids."
⑤ "Meeting Doctor Mirror": "Stop stagnation, blood in urine, and reduce stool."
⑥ "Materia Medica for the Original": "Treatment of lung atrophy, kidney cold, excessive urination, drowsiness, eyesight, muscle growth. Also treats liver and kidney wind toxin attack injection."
Dosage: Oral: decoction, 2 to 3 money; or into pills, powder.
①Treatment of fine and slippery can not help: 2 taels each of Tribulus terrestris (fried), Gorgon (steamed), lotus whiskers, keel (crisp fried), and oysters (boiled in salt water for a day and a night, calcined into powder). The total is the end, the lotus seed powder paste is made into pills, and the salt soup is placed. (Jin Suo Gu Jing Pills in "Medical Prescriptions")
②Treatment of kidney deficiency and back pain: one or two of Sha Yuanzi. Decoction in water, twice a day. ("Jilin Chinese Herbal Medicine")
③ Treating spleen-stomach deficiency, uncontrollable diet, and swelling due to damp heat: 2 liang of Tribulus terrestris in Shayuan (stir-fried with wine), 8 liang of Atractylodes (rice swill soaked in water for one day, dried in the sun, and fried). Research is the end. Three money per serving, rice soup transfer service. ("Compendium of Materia Medica")
④ Treatment of dizziness: three coins for Shayuanzi, two coins for Jiwei, and three coins for Qingyu. Research in detail. One money each time, twice daily. ("Jilin Chinese Herbal Medicine")
Excerpt from "The Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine"
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Product basic attributes | |
Shelf Life: | 365 days |
Storage: | Dry storage, low temperature refrigeration |
Organic or inorganic | organic |
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