Product Code: Wa Song
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Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Vasson
Pinyin: Wǎ Sōnɡ
Aliases: Yesterday's lotus ("Tang Materia Medica"), rootless grass on the house ("Experienced Recipe"), Xiangtiancao ("Gengxin Jade Book"), Tile Flower ("Zhiyuan Fang"), Stone Lotus, Cuo Lotus ("Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine"), Dried Drip ("Northeast Medicinal Plants"), Cat's Head Grass, Vata ("Hebei Medicinal Materials"), Tian Peng Cao ("Chinese Medicinal Materials Manual"), tile cream, tile onion ("Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine"), sour tower, tower pine, rabbit crutches, dry hanging turtle, stone tower flower, wolf paw, sour yo ("Liaoning Economic Flora"), tile pagoda, tile lotus, rock pine, house pine, rock shoots , Wayu ("Zhejiang Folk Commonly Used Herbs").

English name: Fimbrate Orostachys, Herb of Fimbrate Orostachys
Source: From "Tang Materia Medica"
Source: Medicinal material base source: It is the whole grass of sedum sedum, late red pine, obtuse-leaf pine and yellow-flowered pine.
Latin names of plants, animals and minerals: 1. Orostachyl fimbriatus (Turcz.) Berger [Cotyledon fimbriata Turcz.; Sedum fimbriatum (Turcz.) Franch.var.genuinum Frod.] 2. Orstachys erubescens (Maxim.) Ohwi [Umbilicus erubescens Maxim.; Sedum erubescens (Maxim.) Ohwi] 3. Orost achys malacophyllus (Pall.) Fisch. [Cotyledon malac ophylla Pall.; Sedum malacophyllum (Pall.) Stend.] 4. Orostachyl spinosus (L.) C.A. Mey. [Cotyledon spinosa L .; sedum spinosum (L.) Thunb.]

"Tang Materia Medica"

It is the whole grass of sedum sedum or late red pine. Harvest in summer and autumn, uproot the whole plant, remove roots and impurities, and dry it several times, or use it fresh.
habitat distribution

Produced in most parts of the country.
original form

①Vassong, also known as: tassel Vassong.

A perennial succulent herb, 10-40 cm tall. The stem is slightly oblique, and the whole is pinkish green. The basal leaves are in a dense rosette shape, linear to oblanceolate, 2 to 3 cm long, green with purple, or whitish powder, with fringed cartilage sheets and a needle-like spike on the edge. The leaves on the stem are linear to obovate, long acuminate. Pedicel branched, lateral to stem, densely linear or long oblanceolate bracts, flowers in terminal hypertrophic spike-like panicles, and scattered on young plants, in corymboid panicles; calyx Usually 5 with petals, rarely 4; sepals oval or oblong, basal nitrosylated; petals pale red, membranous, long ovate-lanceolate or oblong; stamens 10, few with petals Equal length; pistil is composed of free 5 carpels, style is as long as stamens. Follicles. The flowering period is July to September. Fruiting period from August to October.

Born on roofs, walls and stones. Distributed all over the country.

②Wanhong Wa Song

A perennial succulent herb, 10-20 cm tall. The stem is smooth and glabrous, the whole plant is covered with white powder and brown-red glands, especially at the base. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, or oblong-ovate, apex acute, slightly curved, protruding with small cusps, entire or with fine wavy teeth. Leaf-like bracts between inflorescences ovate-lanceolate or sickle-shaped; flowers densely assembled into narrow long panicle racemes; flowers pale red or white; sepals 5, lanceolate, about half as long as petals; petals 5, thread Shape-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, connected at base; stamens 10, 5 longer, extending out of corolla, the other 5 shorter, born in corolla; carpels 5, style equal to short stamens. Flowering period from August to September. The fruiting period is September to November.

Born on roofs or rocks. Distributed in Liaoning, carrying Su, Zhejiang and other places.

Dry whole grass, the stems are yellowish brown or dark brown, 12-20 cm long, with scars after most leaves fall off, which are interconnected to form a prismatic pattern. The leaves are gray-green or yellow-brown, shriveled and curled, and many fall off, 12 to 15 mm long and 3 mm wide, with small flowers between the leaves on the upper part of the stem, reddish-brown, and the lengths of the small flower stalks vary. Crispy and brittle. Gas slightly, sour taste. The flower spikes are red, and the elderly are better.

In addition, the whole plant of the same genus Huanghuawasong is also used for medicinal purposes, and is distributed in Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jilin and other places.

Store in a ventilated and dry place.
chemical composition

Contains a lot of oxalic acid.
return to the classics

"Material Herbal Renewal": "Into the liver and lung two meridians."
Sexual taste

Bitter, cold, poisonous.

① "Tang Materia Medica": "sour taste, neutral in nature, non-toxic."

② "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Bitter in taste, cold in nature, poisonous."

③ "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine": "cool in nature, light in taste, and non-toxic."

"Quanzhou Materia Medica": "Contraindicated for those with spleen and stomach deficiency."
Function Indications:

Clear heat and detoxify, stop bleeding, relieve dampness, and reduce swelling. Treatment of hematemesis, epistaxis, blood dysentery, hepatitis, malaria, hot stranguria, hemorrhoids, eczema, carbuncle poison, boils, decoction fire burns.

① "Tang Materia Medica": "mainly dry pain in the mouth, blood dysentery in water and valley, and stop bleeding."

② "Book of Sketches": "Walking women's meridians."

③ "Outline": "blood in the large intestine, burn ashes, take a penny in water, and smear all sores without restraint."

④ "Material Renewal": "Cure hundreds of poisons, treat fire sores, reduce swelling and kill insects."

⑤ "Classification of herbal properties": "To cure all hemorrhoids, swelling, pain and bleeding, decoction and fumigation."

⑥ "Scientific Folk Herbs": "laxative."

⑦ "Hebei Medicinal Materials": "Treatment of water."

⑧ "Quanzhou Materia Medica": "clears heat, detoxifies, and facilitates urination."

Oral administration: decoction, 1-3 money; smashed into juice or into pills. External application: smashed for application, decoction and smoked or powdered for application.

①Treatment of vomiting blood: Wattsong, stewed pig and kill orally. ("Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine")

②Treatment of epistaxis: 2 catties of fresh wasong. Wash it, dry it in the shade, smash it, twist it with gauze to get the juice, add sugar and mix well, pour it into a porcelain plate, and dry it into pieces. Five cents to one dollar each time, twice a day, with warm water. Avoid spicy food and hot water. ("Compilation of the Whole Exhibition · Five Senses")

③ Treating heat toxin and wine accumulation, intestinal wind and blood dysentery: eight liang of wasong (smashed juice, half of the wine), 5 money of white peony root, 5 money of powdered ginger. Fry it in half and drink it hollow. ("Tang Materia Medica")

④Treatment of acute anicteric infectious hepatitis: 2 taels of wasong, 1 tael of malt, and 3 dollars of weeping willow twigs. Shuijianbi.

⑤ Treatment of malaria: spend five dollars for fresh tiles, one or two shochu, stew the juice over water, and take it in the morning on an empty stomach. Take one to three doses in a row.

⑥Treatment of convulsions in children: 5 to 6 money of wasong, simmer in water. (4) "Folk Commonly Used Herbs in Zhejiang" is published below the square.)

⑦Treatment of urination with salsa: Wattsong fried thick soup, fumigated by hot fumigation to wash the lower abdomen. ("Experience Recipe")

⑧ Governance of fire and turbidity: take with boiled water and white sugar. ("Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine")

⑨Treatment of hemorrhoids: (i)Washong stewed pig intestines. ("Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine") (2) Fresh wasong, fumigation and washing the affected area with decoction. ("Zhejiang Folk Commonly Used Herbs")

⑩Treatment of eczema: Vasong (sun-dried), burnt ashes and ground into powder, mixed with tea oil and applied to relieve pain and itching. ("Quanzhou Materia Medica")

⑾ Treatment of moxibustion sores, malignant sores that persist for a long time: Wasong (dry in the shade), as the end, first wash with Sophora japonica and Cong Baitang, and then mix it. ("The Secret of Jisheng")

⑿Treatment of sores and boils: an appropriate amount of wasong, add a little salt, smash it together, apply it all over the affected area, and change it twice a day. ("Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine")

⒀ treatment of cleft lip sores: tile flowers, ginger. Pour in a little salt. ("Extracting Yuan Fang")

⒁ Governance soup fire burns: wasong, raw cypress leaves. Same as pounding. Whoever does it is the last. ("Medical Summary")

⒂Treatment of pneumonia: fresh pine, four to eight taels each time, washed with cold water, smashed into the juice, slightly warmed for oral administration, twice a day. ("Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine")

⒃ treatment of gingival swelling and pain: tile flower, alum and other parts. Decoction and rinse. ("Extracting Yuan Fang")

⒄Treatment of mad dog bites: Vasong, Realgar. Research stickers. ("Shengsheng")

⒅Treatment of centipede bites: 2 taels of fresh wasong, a little sour rice grains, smashed together and heated, and pasted on the affected area. ("Quanzhou Materia Medica")

⒆ Governance of white shavings: Vasong (dry), burn to ashes, pour juice, warm, wash hair. ("Saint Beneficial")

⒇ Urine sand shower. Decoct the thick soup with tile yam, wash the lower abdomen by hot fumigation, and after about two hours, you can go under the sand to clear your bowels.

(21) Through the passage of blood. Use five taels of fresh tile stalks to boil the paste, one or two pieces of angelica whiskers and one or two pieces of dry lacquer, burn out the smoke, and make two money for the door. Seventy pills per serving, safflower soup will be delivered.

(22) Head wind and white chips. Dry it in the sun with wattle, pour ash and drench it in hot water. It will take effect after six or seven times.

(23) SOUP BURN. Mash with corrugated pine and cypress leaves, and apply.

(24) SUCK. Dry in the shade with wasong, and grind to the end. First wash the affected area with Sophora japonica and Cong Baitang, then apply the medicine powder.
"Chinese Medicine Dictionary"

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Product basic attributes
Shelf Life: 365 days
Storage: Dry storage, low temperature refrigeration
Organic or inorganic organic

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