Product Code: Han Wo Niu
Availability: In Stock
Ex Tax: $27.00

Aliases: Yu, Mountain Snail, Snail Win, Snail Win, Tu Niuer.

The smell is salty, cold and slightly poisonous.


1. Difficulty urinating. Mash it with snails and stick it under the navel, and rub it with your hands. A little more musk is better.

2. The large intestine is reborn and the anus is reborn. Use one or two snails to burn ashes, apply lard, and shrink. And square; use one hundred dried snails, fry and grind. For each coin taken, use the last 5 coins of the magnet that flew over the red juice, add a bowl of water, fry it into half a bowl, and take it with medicine.

3, hemorrhoids swelling and pain. Apply with snail dipping oil, or burn and grind. Another recipe: use a snail, add a little musk, put it in a bowl, and apply the juice in the bowl the next day.

4, the beginning of the back sore. There are 200 live snails, add a bowl of water, seal the bottle overnight, take saliva and adjust clam powder to apply on the sore. More than ten times a day, the heat pain gradually stopped, and the sore gradually healed.

5, the end of scrofula collapse. Use one piece of Lianhuanian and seven cloves, burn them together, grind them to a fine powder, and apply them to the affected area.

6, scrofula has collapsed. Use snails to burn and grind, add a little powder, adjust the pig spinal cord and apply it.

7. Throat swelling. Wrap it in snail cotton, soak it in water, put it in the mouth and swallow it, and it will pass soon.

8. Swelling of ear ribs and swollen throat. Coat with the ground snail on the same side.

9. Poisonous sores on the face. Use one or two snails, add a little sauce, smash them on paper, and paste them on the affected area. Leave a small hole in the paper for ventilation, which is extremely effective.

10. Red and white film. Use a raw snail, add powdered dansha, boil it on the fire, and apply it to the eyes with a cotton ball dipped in the juice. Hing twice a day.

11. No nosebleeds. Baked with a snail, cuttlefish bone for half a buck, grinded together to the end, and blown into the nose.

12, pinch the navel wind. And five snails, peeled, grind the juice and spread the mouth, and it will stop when it is effective. Another recipe: Use ten snails, peel them and grind them to rottenness, add half a minute of scallops, grind them evenly, and apply them until it is effective.

13. Deafness closed. . Use one tael of snails, two and a half dollars each of stone gallbladder and stalactite powder, and grind them to the end, put them in a production box, calcined by fire, and add a little slice of brain. Every time you mix two or three minutes of wine with your ear, it will heal.

14. Tooth pain. Burn 30 snail shells, grind it to the end, and rub the sore spot every day.

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★ picture only for reference to the kind of delivery subject. Because the herbs are different from other commodities, each batch of goods fineness is not exactly the same, we can do is choose a good quality of delivery, this please rest assured!
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under the age of 18 unless recommended by a GP.

Product basic attributes
Shelf Life: 365 days
Storage: Dry storage, low temperature refrigeration
Organic or inorganic organic

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